Introduction to Post-Hurricane Pool Servicing

Hurricanes are destructive forces that leave their mark wherever they land. At Alligator Pools, we understand the magnitude of these natural disasters, having experienced them firsthand in our Miami base. They destroy homes, disrupt livelihoods, and cause considerable havoc to our cherished swimming pools. This article delves into one of the many questions we face during hurricane season – how does one service a swimming pool in the aftermath of a hurricane? It complements our previously discussed “Prepare Your Pool for Hurricane Season in Miami”, offering a complete guide on both pre-emptive and reactive measures to protect your pool.


Pool Damage During Hurricanes

It’s crucial to know how hurricanes can wreak havoc on your swimming pool to better understand the recovery process. A hurricane doesn’t just potentially destroy your pool’s structure; it can introduce foreign substances, damage equipment, cause electrical faults, and create an unsanitary environment.

Equipment Considerations

  • Destruction of Pool Equipment: One of the most significant threats hurricanes pose to pools is equipment damage. Your pool pump, and pool filter are crucial to your pool’s operation. High-speed winds and flying debris can easily damage this equipment, leading to costly repairs. In our experience at Alligator Pools, while PVC pipes and filters are reasonably sturdy, they are not invincible. A well-built setup can resist some damage, but you should be prepared for potential replacements.

  • Electrical Damage: Electrical hazards pose serious risks after a hurricane. Severed wires, exposed connections in water, and damaged electrical panels are common. It’s crucial to switch off power at the breaker before inspection. At Alligator Pools, we emphasize the importance of involving a licensed electrician for any repairs to maintain safety standards.

Water Considerations

  • Removal and Replacement of Pool Water: Hurricanes can displace pool water. This displacement introduces unknown substances, diluting the chemical balance. After a hurricane, your pool’s contents are uncertain. The EPA emphasizes the need for thorough water testing, which we’ll discuss later.
  • Debris in the Pool: Hurricanes can litter your pool with debris, from branches to vehicles. This debris damages the pool’s surfaces and machinery.
  • Introduction of Toxins and Biological Hazards: Hurricanes bring many biological hazards, often overlooked. Floodwaters carry contaminants into your pool. Dead animals after a hurricane further pollute the water.

Pool Servicing Post-Hurricane

Following a hurricane, once immediate dangers to your home are addressed, the recovery of your pool should commence. This process involves several crucial steps, from water testing to potential draining and refilling.

Key Servicing Steps

  • Water Testing: Our team at Alligator Pools recognizes the importance of water testing after a hurricane. Unknown elements may have been introduced into the water, making testing a crucial part of ensuring pool safety.

  • Physical Cleaning: Physical cleanup of the pool involves removing any debris that has found its way into the pool during the hurricane. This step can be time-consuming and labor-intensive but is critical to restoring the pool to its former state.

  • Chemical Treatment: After a thorough physical cleanup, the pool should undergo a chemical purge, similar to treating a green pool cleanup. Despite how the water might look, it’s almost guaranteed to contain non-living organics, phosphates, and more.

  • Alternative Cleaning Methods: In extreme cases, you might need to employ additional measures such as using a flocculant to drop as much out of suspension as possible. This approach isn’t usually our first choice at Alligator Pools as we try to avoid long-term byproducts, but in extreme situations, it may be necessary.

  • Draining, Clean and Refill: If the contamination is too severe, draining and refilling might be the most effective solution. However, it’s important to note that this process should be conducted by professionals like us at Alligator Pools to avoid potential hazards, such as floating the pool shell out of the ground!

In the heart of hurricane country, Miami pool owners need a trusted partner to assist with post-hurricane pool recovery. Our Miami pool service company offers comprehensive pool cleaning, maintenance, renovation, resurfacing, and equipment repair services to help you get your pool back in shape. From installing new pool heaters and salt systems to undertaking comprehensive pool resurfacing, Alligator Pools offer end-to-end pool solutions.

Hurricane Frequency in South Florida

South Florida has a notorious history of bearing the brunt of devastating hurricanes. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Miami-Dade County has been hit by a hurricane 27 times from 1851 to 2018, making it one of the most hurricane-prone areas in the United States. Moreover, the frequency of major hurricanes (category 3 and above) has been increasing in recent decades due to changing climate patterns.

For instance, the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season was the most active on record, with a total of 30 named storms, 13 of which evolved into hurricanes. A trend that climate scientists predict will continue. These statistics underline the importance of being prepared, especially when it comes to maintaining the health and functionality of your swimming pools.

Flooding Dangers During a Hurricane

Another crucial factor to consider during a hurricane, particularly in South Florida, is flooding. The region’s flat topography and high water table, coupled with rising sea levels due to climate change, make it particularly vulnerable to both coastal and inland flooding.

During a hurricane, the combination of extreme rainfall and storm surges can lead to significant flooding. This flooding can cause widespread damage, contaminating pools with everything from debris to bacteria and toxins.

Flooding in Miami

Flooding can also impact the pool’s water balance, altering pH and salinity levels, making the pool unsafe for use, and creating an ideal environment for algae and bacteria to thrive.

Moreover, flooding can potentially lead to other significant issues, such as hydrostatic pressure buildup beneath the pool, which could cause the pool to “pop” or lift out of the ground if it’s emptied. This is why we at Alligator Pools advise against draining your pool before a storm.

Instead, we recommend lowering the water level slightly, removing loose objects from the area, and balancing your pool chemicals before the storm. After the storm, once it’s safe to do so, you can begin the cleanup process we’ve outlined in this article.

Flooding also has significant public health implications, including the potential to spread waterborne diseases. So, ensuring your pool water is properly treated and balanced following a hurricane is not just about maintaining your pool; it’s also about protecting your family’s health.


At Alligator Pools, we understand the devastating impact hurricanes can have on our community in South Florida. We also understand the unique challenges that hurricanes present for swimming pool maintenance and safety. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with the knowledge and services you need to keep your pool safe and clean, no matter what Mother Nature throws our way.