Pool Color and Your Pool's Health

For residential pool owners, it’s important to be aware of what your pool’s color says about its overall health. There are many factors that can contribute to a pool’s discoloration and clarity, and while many are benign, some may present significant dangers to your health as well as your pool’s health. To ensure that you’re ready if these complications arise, here’s all you need to know:

Changes in your Pool’s Color and What to Look Out For

More often than not, one of the largest contributors to changes in color is the metal content of your water. This occurs when hard metals change color when they come in contact with chlorine. As such, different colors are a result of different metals being present:

  • Green – While this may be a result of pool algae, you may also have green pool water due to the presence of copper. Since copper turns green when it oxidizes, it is always advised to check if the metal is present when you see green! This may also mean that your pool lacks the proper amount of chlorine which is a simple fix. 
  • Black – This can sometimes signify that silver is present, as silver tarnishes and changes color to black when oxidized by your pool’s chlorine.
  • Purple – Pool owners often ask, “does chlorine change the color of your pool?” For the most part, it shouldn’t, but if you notice a purple hue when adding chlorine to your pool, it may indicate the presence of either magnesium or manganese. 
  • Brown – Rusted iron turns orange-brown when in contact with water, and this coloration in your pool can mean that some of your pool features are rusting.
While some of these issues can be fixed on your own, any noticeable changes that include these colors should be addressed by your pool service company to avoid further complications or damage to your pool’s interior shell.

Other Factors Influencing Discolored or Dirty Pool Water

Some other factors that can contribute to discolored or cloudy pool water include:

  • Pool Algae – Pools can often start to grow algae either on the sides or the surface, which can cause green pool water. Algae in pool water can easily be prevented with proper maintenance and chlorination to curb the spread.
  • Dirty Filter – General cloudiness tends to be the result of pool water that is poorly filtered. If your water is cloudy, consider cleaning your filter or check for issues with your filtration system.
  • Pool Finish Dyes – Sometimes the dyes used in a pool’s finish or surfacing can eventually wear or cause leaks, leading to discoloration.
  • Environmental Factors – Whether it’s nearby trees, foliage, branches, twigs, or mulch, any general dirt or debris can cause discoloration and cloudiness, especially when not filtered right away. Extensive sun exposure can also sometimes change a pool’s color.
  • Chemical Imbalance – An imbalance in pool chemicals can contribute to a change in pool color. While this can sometimes be due to metals, it can also be a result of calcification.

How to Keep Your Pool Color Clear and Clean

Interpreting what your pool is telling you is only the first step. To treat discoloration or clarity issues, there are a myriad of ways. Shock treatments are a standard protocol for cleaning out a pool from either discoloration, chemical imbalance, or the presence of metals, algae, or bacteria. Maintaining a good balance of maintenance, regular cleanings, and care can also greatly prevent the formation of these contributing factors.

Alligator Pools is ready to help you enjoy your pool all year round, without the hassle of discoloration and other maintenance issues. Contact Alligator Pool Services today for more information on weekly pool cleanings, repairs, and more!
